The Muslim 360 application is available on Google Play Store and App Store.so please ensure that you download the latest version available to enjoy the latest features and updates.

The Muslim 360 application is available on Google Play Store and App Store.so please ensure that you download the latest version available to enjoy the latest features and updates.
Favorable, Admirable, light, swift, fast-moving
Expert, skilled, talented, accomplished, adept
Virgin, Figurative, Pious, Devout, Chaste
The Utmost, Highest Degree, High Status
Light, Radiance, Moon, Moonlight
Smile, Happy, Laughter
The star of the sea, kind of bird, Bitter, sea of bitterness
Greatest, Fine, Feeble
Moon, Beautiful, Pretty, Moon Face
Full Moon, Moon light, Wife of mughal emperor Zahir
Worthy of praise( Swahili origin )
fountain, spring, Spring of fresh water
Fountain, Spring, Spring Of Fresh Water
A Blessing From Allah, Gift From Allah, Grant
Light, Radiance, Bright Flame
Fragrance, PERFUME, Scent, Aroma
Bitter, Wished For Child, Our Lady, Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing, Devoted To God
Attainment, Achievement
Light Of Allah, Nimble, Agile
Gift of Allah
Moon, Beautiful
I am( Swahili origin )
Wild Cow
Gazelle, Doe, A Female Deer
Happy for entire life
In American meaning is : Who is like God
Forehead, Moon.
Bright face
Aristrocratic Lady, Highborn Girl
Starling Heaven Glass
Wish, Desire.
Like The Moon With Pride
Pleasant( Swahili origin )
In french meaning is : Feminine of Michael :Who is like the Lord?
beautiful woman
Safe, Trustworthy.
Highborn Girl,Aristrocratic Lady.
Infallible. Free.
A mountain in mekkah
Table spread blessing
The Distinguished; The Best
Variant Of Mahjabin: Forehead, Moon.
Hidden, Chaste.
A Princess.
Woman, Life. Variant Of Aisha.
Sea Port, A Place Near Makkah
City Of The Prophet. In Medina Mohammed Began His Campaign To Establish Islam.
Like The Moon In The Forehead
Aristrocratic Lady
Moon Face
The right side
In Muslim meaning is : Walking with proud swinging gait
A Light
The good news
Leader, guide, adviser
In Muslim meaning is : Praiseworthy
Happy Successful
Variant Of Maimuna: Safe, Trustworthy.
Rightly Guided By Allah
a mountain in Makkah Al Safa wa al Marwah
Heaven's Door
Beauty redefined
In Sanskrit meaning is : A small girl
In Muslim meaning is : Attainment; Achievement
Special flower of heaven.
Benevolent, beneficent
Nautical DAMSEL
Light of the Sun
Praise, eulogy.
Aristrocratic Lady
Piece of moon, pleasant
Luminous. Brilliant. Illuminating.
Beloved ( Swahili origin )
Wonderfull smellmehak
Generous, Honorable, Source Of Knowledge
Aristrcratic Lady
In Farsi meaning is : Shining
Evident, Clear.
Skillful, able, experienced.
Light of the moon
Beautiful Woman
Variant Of Mary: Bitter.
In American meaning is : To increase
Full Moon
Accepted, Well-Pleased
The Moon's Glory