The Muslim 360 application is available on Google Play Store and App Store.so please ensure that you download the latest version available to enjoy the latest features and updates.

The Muslim 360 application is available on Google Play Store and App Store.so please ensure that you download the latest version available to enjoy the latest features and updates.
Mercy, Compassion, Kindness
Gif Of God, Reward, Blessing
Gift Of God, Reward, Generosity
Warrior, invasionary mind people, related to prehistoric Arya people
Affection, Love, Pleasant Companionship
Lion, Brave, Courageous man
Eminent, Noble, High In Rank
God’s Gift, Manifest, Blessing
Righteous, Nobel, A Brave Solider
Settler, One Who Settle For A Long Time In A Place, Paradise
Forgiveness, Strong, Powerful, Fierce
Lion, Virtuous, Fortunate
Servant Of Allah, Obedient, Name Of Prophet’s Father
One, Unique, Matchless, Another Name For God
Praise Worthy, Noble, Commendable, Name Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Cool Breeze, Night Breeze, A Servant Of Sultan Mehmood
Exalted One, Enlightened, High Mountain
To Forgive, A Person Who Forgives, Modest
Virtuous, Pious, Great Man
Safety, Protection, Peace
Praiseworthy, Commendable, Noble, Admirable
Lion, Brave man, Warrior In Afghan
Emperor, Ruler, Great Leader
Mountain’s Name, Clear, Name Of A Companion
Religious, Pious, Creeds, Plural Of Deen
Knowledgeable, Learned, Expert, Authority
Call To Prayer, Power, Strength
Civilized, Amply Settled, Prosperous, Full of life
Call To Prayer, Power, Strength
Clay’s Father, An Attributive Of Caliph Ali
Long-Lived, God-Fearing, Pious
Strong And Brave Man, A Character In Shahnameh (Kavous' Brother)
Better Guided, Honest, Most Rightly Guided, Most Reasonable
Aroma; Strong
The kind One, Kind Hearted, Compassionate
Geniuses, Intellects, Wits, Abilities
The straight path, worshiper of Allah
Scent, Perfume, Fragrance
Wish, Desire
Lion, Stern, Serious Grim-Faced
The Best Of All, Better, Superior.
Worshiper, One Who Worship Allah, God Knows
Wise, Prudent, One Who Has Wisdom, Liveliness
Paradise, Heaven, Garden Of A Heaven
Mount Of Recognition
Clear, Eloquent, Lucid, Distinct
Shield, Protector, Guardian, Rescuer
Glory, honor, greatness
Lion, Brave Man, Warrior In Afghan
The Sun
Final, Successor, Following, Subsequent
God'S Worshipper; God Knows
Fairness, Justice
The Whole World
Variant Of Aman: Protection. Without Fear
In Sindhi meaning is : Follower
Army chief
Star. Good Luck.
soldier. Famous Bearer
Firmly, Strong
Safer; Freer
Father of money, Rich, One who have alot of Money
Everlasting, Eternal
Rich, Prosperous, Populous
Promise, Covenant, The Commitment
Bright arrow
Given, Attached
To Love
Servant Of God
Kinder, More Gentle, Gracious, Tender
Greater Glory
Those Who Forgive, To Forgive Mistake
Protector, Defender
Handsome, healthy.
Father Of A Kitten
Shield, Protector, Guardian, Rescuer
Noble Prince
Those Who Forgive, To Forgive
Wish, ultimate goal, greatest desire, ultimate purpose, greatest longing
In turkish meaning is : Lion
Variant Of Abdul-Haady: Servant Of The Guide
The one who was sent
Variant Of Adam. The Biblical Adam Is The English Language Equivalent.
Pride Of Sky, Price Throne, King Of The Heavens
An epithet of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)
Horizon Collecting Blessed
Gift Of God
Servant of the One
Noble, Exalted, Lofty, Extraordinary
In American meaning is : Father of a multitude