The Muslim 360 application is available on Google Play Store and App Store.so please ensure that you download the latest version available to enjoy the latest features and updates.

The Muslim 360 application is available on Google Play Store and App Store.so please ensure that you download the latest version available to enjoy the latest features and updates.
Moistening, The Prophet's Companion
Proof, Evidence
Glitter, Shine, Light Skinned Boy
Gate Of God
Father, master, ruler
To be strong and fast as a lightning bolt
Wounded, restless
One Who Enlarges
Leader, Sultan, teacher
Followers Of The Sufi Saint Bab
Name of a saint
Father, old, cute baby
Bringer Of Glad Tidings
Variant Of Babar: Lion, King Of Jungle
Advisor, simple heart
Name of the brother of Prophet
Bringer Of Glad Tidings, Harbinger, Bringer Of Good News
A Sufi saint of Sindh
Bright One
Good Omen Prophecy
Peaceful, calm, quite
Inventor, Creator
Of Allah
Mars, Planet
Moon of the fourteenth night
Knowledgeable, Proficient, One Who Sees
One who has a quick and analytical mind
Satisfies thirst, billal was he name of a black slave who ecsepted islam later became the 1st Muezzin (one who calls for prayer) of islam
Zodiac Sign, Star, Constellation
The smiling one
Builder, Architect
A Character In Shahnameh
In Hindu meaning is : vishnu
Fortunate, Lucky
Brave. Bold.
Royal; Kingly.
Vision, Sight
Proof Of The Religion
Leader wealthy son
Ocean, Seas
God, Lord
Leader Of A Tribe, Virtuous King
Winning over resisting people
One Who Has Great Knowledge, Deeply Learned
Wing Of A Bird
One who brings good news
Good day, Saad
He Who Smiles A Lot
Another name for God, away, distant
Blessings, Abundance, Prosperity
The Nation'S Son
Young, Youthful
Founder, Originator
Heart, Mind, Soul
Noble Man
Lightening, Telegraph
Variant Of Bahir: Dazzling, Brilliant
Brave, Hero, Champion
Leader, a famous saint.
Full moon
Careful, Be Alert
One who starts work early
Muhammad ibn Ismail Al-Bukha
In hebrew meaning is : Son of comfort.
Safe, Out Of Danger
Early In The Morning
Call to prayer (swahili origin )
In biblical meaning is : Thunder; or in vain.
Variant Of Bakhtiar: Lucky, Fortunate
It mens Master or Lord. It was the name of a noble crusader in the kingdom of Jerusalem in the 12th century.
Full moon of the dark (night), An epithet of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Camel, First Born
The Lightning. Al Borak Was The Legenday Magical Horse That Bore Muhammad From Earth To The Seventh Heaven
Giver, To Grant
Victory Bringer
Timuri Ruler
The official
Mighty, Victorious
Compassion, Benevolence, Glamour
Insight, Perception
A companion of Prophet (PBUH).
Cost, Price, light
Variant Of Basim: Smiling
Lucky, Fortunate
Glorious, magnificent.
All, Universal
Dazzling, Brilliant