The Muslim 360 application is available on Google Play Store and App please ensure that you download the latest version available to enjoy the latest features and updates.
The Muslim 360 application is available on Google Play Store and App please ensure that you download the latest version available to enjoy the latest features and updates.
Happiness, Prosperity, Great pleasure, Exalted Nation
Thankfulness. Knowledge. Wisdom.
Submission, Obedience, Follower of God's Rules
Peace, Peaceful, Very Safe
Intimate friend, Father Of Multitude, Prophet’s Name
Favorite, Chosen, Pleased, Satisfied
Heard by God, Gift from God, A Meaningful smile
Submission, Obedience, Acceptance
Concern Attention
Worship, writing, article
Guidance, Direction
Prosperity. Wealth.
Society, Familiar And Pleasant Talk, Happiness
Honor. Glory.
In Muslim meaning is : Great King
Pillar of the faith
The Biblical Elijah Is The English Language Equivalent.
Privilege, Distinction
Worship, Prayer, Devotion
Elections, To Like
Variant Of 'Iffat: Virtue, Chastity
One Who Instruct
Longing Craving
Secrecy. Privacy.
My lord (for Allah), divine.
Esteem, Veneration, Respect.
Frankness. Sincerity.
Miracle, Astonishment.
The Messiah (Swahili)
A Prophet's Name
Faith. Belief.
Morals Virtues
Revelation. Declaration.
Acknowledge, Recognize
Variant Of Irfan: Thankfulness. Knowledge. Wisdom
Variant Of Izhar: Revelation, Declaration
Support. Pillar. Confidence.
Proximity, Mingle, Connect
Kindness, Beneficence; Highest Level Of Iman
Wait, Gone
Variant Of Ibrahim: The Biblical Abraham Is The English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Variant Of Idris: A Prophet'S Name
Awareness Education
Capability, Power
In latin meaning is : Jehovah is my God
Leader. Chief.
Angel who will blow the Trum
In biblical meaning is : God that hears.
The little Sardar
Variant Of Imran: A Prophet's Name
Compassion, Kindness
Height, altitude
Gift of Truthah).
Good person
Variant Of Ishaq: Isaac. A Prophet's Name
Time, season, weather
Pomp, Magnificence
To Help
In Sindhi meaning is : See Sikandar.
Servants, Slaves
Honour SENIORITY innocent
Care of Allah.
If allah willed
Courageous, brave
Servants Of God
In Muslim meaning is : Safeguard
Variant Of Ikram: Esteem Veneration
Tipping, Gift
In Sindhi meaning is : Leather.
Variant Of Ihsan: Benevolence, Beneficence, Charity
In Sikh meaning is : Glory, destiny.
Kindness of the Truthah).
Variant Of Irshad: Guidance, Direction
Variant Of Imtiaz: Privilege. Distinction
Accomplishment, Achievement
Glorification, exaltation
In Muslim meaning is : A Prophet's name
Justice, impartiality
Glory of the Truthah).
Honour, hold in honour
Variant Of Ikhlas: Frankness, Sincerity
Feminine Form Of A Pigeon
Making happy or prosperous
To Correct
Variant Of Iqbal: Prosperity, Wealth
High Rank, Honour
Inimitability of the Truth
Fragrant tree
To choose, to prefer
Chosen One, Was Chosen
To say something with eloquence and to read beautifully