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Hadith on Zuhd of Sahih Bukhari 4303 is about The Book Of Zuhd as written by Imam Ibn Majah. The original Hadith is written in Arabic and translated in English and Urdu. The chapter Zuhd has 242 as total Hadith on this topic.
Hadith Book
حَدَّثَنَا مَحْمُودُ بْنُ خَالِدٍ الدِّمَشْقِيُّ، حَدَّثَنَا مَرْوَانُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ مُهَاجِرٍ، حَدَّثَنِي الْعَبَّاسُ بْنُ سَالِمٍ الدِّمَشْقِيُّ، نُبِّئْتُ عَنْ أَبِي سَلَّامٍ الْحَبَشِيِّ، قَالَ: بَعَثَ إِلَيَّ عُمَرُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ فَأَتَيْتُهُ عَلَى بَرِيدٍ، فَلَمَّا قَدِمْتُ عَلَيْهِ، قَالَ: لَقَدْ شَقَقْنَا عَلَيْكَ يَا أَبَا سَلَّامٍ فِي مَرْكَبِكَ، قَالَ: أَجَلْ وَاللَّهِ يَا أَمِيرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ، قَالَ: وَاللَّهِ مَا أَرَدْتُ الْمَشَقَّةَ عَلَيْكَ، وَلَكِنْ حَدِيثٌ بَلَغَنِي أَنَّكَ تُحَدِّثُ بِهِ عَنْ ثَوْبَانَ مَوْلَى رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ فِي الْحَوْضِ، فَأَحْبَبْتُ أَنْ تُشَافِهَنِي بِهِ، قَالَ: فَقُلْتُ: حَدَّثَنِي ثَوْبَانُ مَوْلَى رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، قَالَ: إِنَّ حَوْضِي مَا بَيْنَ عَدَنَ إِلَى أَيْلَةَ، أَشَدُّ بَيَاضًا مِنَ اللَّبَنِ، وَأَحْلَى مِنَ الْعَسَلِ، أَوانيِهُ كَعَدَدِ نُجُومِ السَّمَاءِ، مَنْ شَرِبَ مِنْهُ شَرْبَةً لَمْ يَظْمَأْ بَعْدَهَا أَبَدًا، وَأَوَّلُ مَنْ يَرِدُهُ عَلَيَّ فُقَرَاءُ الْمُهَاجِرِينَ، الدُّنْسُ ثِيَابًا وَالشُّعْثُ رُءُوسًا، الَّذِينَ لَا يَنْكِحُونَ الْمُنَعَّمَاتِ، وَلَا يُفْتَحُ لَهُمُ السُّدَدُ ، قَالَ: فَبَكَى عُمَرُ حَتَّى اخْضَلَّتْ لِحْيَتُهُ، ثُمَّ قَالَ: لَكِنِّي قَدْ نَكَحْتُ الْمُنَعَّمَاتِ، وَفُتِحَتْ لِي السُّدَدُ، لَا جَرَمَ أَنِّي لَا أَغْسِلُ ثَوْبِي الَّذِي عَلَى جَسَدِي حَتَّى يَتَّسِخَ، وَلَا أَدْهُنُ رَأْسِي حَتَّى يَشْعَثَ.
ابوسلام حبشی کہتے ہیں کہ عمر بن عبدالعزیز نے مجھ کو بلا بھیجا، میں ان کے پاس ڈاک کے گھوڑے پر بیٹھ کر آیا، جب میں پہنچا تو انہوں نے کہا: اے ابو سلام! ہم نے آپ کو زحمت دی کہ آپ کو تیز سواری سے آنا پڑا، میں نے کہا: بیشک، اللہ کی قسم! اے امیر المؤمنین! ( ہاں واقعی تکلیف ہوئی ہے ) ، انہوں نے کہا، اللہ کی قسم، میں آپ کو تکلیف نہیں دینا چاہتا تھا، لیکن مجھے پتا چلا کہ آپ ثوبان رضی اللہ عنہ ( رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے غلام ) سے حوض کوثر کے بارے میں ایک حدیث روایت کرتے ہیں تو میں نے چاہا کہ یہ حدیث براہ راست آپ سے سن لوں، تو میں نے کہا کہ مجھ سے ثوبان رضی اللہ عنہ نے بیان کیا ہے کہ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا: میرا حوض اتنا بڑا ہے جتنا عدن سے ایلہ تک کا فاصلہ، دودھ سے زیادہ سفید، اور شہد سے زیادہ میٹھا، اس کی پیالیاں آسمان کے تاروں کی تعداد کے برابر ہیں، جو شخص اس میں سے ایک گھونٹ پی لے گا کبھی پیاسا نہ ہو گا، اور سب سے پہلے جو لوگ میرے پاس آئیں گے ( پانی پینے ) وہ میلے کچیلے کپڑوں اور پراگندہ بالوں والے فقراء مہاجرین ہوں گے، جو ناز و نعم میں پلی عورتوں سے نکاح نہیں کر سکتے اور نہ ان کے لیے دروازے کھولے جاتے ۔ ابو سلام کہتے ہیں کہ عمر بن عبدالعزیز رونے لگے یہاں تک کہ ان کی داڑھی تر ہو گئی، پھر بولے: میں نے تو ناز و نعم والی عورتوں سے نکاح بھی کیا، اور میرے لیے دروازے بھی کھلے، اب میں جو کپڑا پہنوں گا، اس کو ہرگز نہ دھووں گا، جب تک وہ میلا نہ ہو جائے، اور اپنے سر میں تیل نہ ڈالوں گا جب تک کہ وہ پراگندہ نہ ہو جائے۔
It was narrated that Abu Sallam Al-Habashi said: “Umar bin ‘Abdul-‘Aziz sent for me and I came to him upon the riding animal prepared for swift mail delivery. When I came to him, he said: ‘We have caused you some trouble O Abu Sallam.’ He said: ‘Yes, by Allah, O Commander of the Believers!’ He said: ‘By Allah, we did not want to cause you any hardship, but there is a Hadith which I have heard that you narrate from Thawban, the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), concerning the Cistern, and I wanted to hear it directly from you.’ He said: “I said: ‘Thawban, the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), told me that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “My Cistern is (wider than) the distance between Ailah and ‘Aden. It is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey, and its cups are as many as the stars in the sky. Whoever drinks from it will never feel thirst again. The first ones who come to drink from it will be the poor Muhajirin, with dirty clothes and disheveled hair, who do not marry refined women and for whom no doors are opened.” ‘Umar wept until his beard became wet, then he said: ‘But I have married refined women and doors have been opened for me. Certainly I will not wash the clothes that are on my body until they become dirt, and I will not comb my hair until it becomes disheveled.’
It was narrated from Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Indifference towards this world does not mean forbidding what is permitted, or squandering wealth, rather indifference towards this world means not thinking that what you have in your hand is more reliable than what is in Allah’s Hand, and it means feeling that the reward for a calamity that befalls you is greater than that which the calamity makes you miss out on.’”
Read CompleteIt was narrated that Abu Khallad, who was one of the Companions of the Prophet (ﷺ), said: “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘If you see a man who has been given indifference with regard to this world and who speaks little, then draw close to him for he will indeed offer wisdom.’”
Read CompleteIt was narrated that Sahl bin Sa’d As-Sa’idi said: “A man came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, show me a deed which, if I do it, Allah will love me and people will love me. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Be indifferent towards this world, and Allah will love you. Be indifferent to what is in people’s hands, and they will love you.”
Read CompleteIt was narrated from Abu Wa’il that a man from his people – Samurah bin Sahm – said: “We stopped with Abu Hashim bin ‘Utbah, who had been stabbed, and Mu’awiyah came to visit him. Abu Hashim wept and Mu’awiyah said to him: ‘Why are you weeping, O maternal uncle? Is there some pain bothering you, or is it because of this world, the best of which has already passed?’ He said: ‘It is not for any of these reasons. But the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) gave me some advice and I wish that I had followed it. He (ﷺ) said: “There may come a time when you will see wealth divided among the people, and all you will need of that is a servant and a mount to ride in the cause of Allah.” That time came, but I accumulated wealth.’”
Read CompleteIt was narrated from Thabit that Anas said: “Salman felt sick and Sa’d came to visit him, and when he saw him he wept. Sa’d said to him: ‘Why are you weeping, my brother? Are you not a Companion of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)? Are you not? Are you not?’ Salman said: ‘I am only weeping for one reason: I am not weeping because of longing for this world or for dislike of the Hereafter. But the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) gave me some advice and I think that I have transgressed.’ He said: ‘What was his advice to you?’ He said: ‘He advised me that something like the provision of a rider is sufficient for anyone of you, and I think that I have transgressed that. As for you, O Sa’d, fear Allah when you pass a verdict, and when you distribute (spoils of war), and when you decide to do anything.’”
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