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Hadith on TRICKS of Sahih Bukhari 6980 is about The Book Of THE BOOK OF TRICKS as written by Imam Muhammad al-Bukhari. The original Hadith is written in Arabic and translated in English and Urdu. The chapter THE BOOK OF TRICKS has 29 as total Hadith on this topic.
Hadith Book
حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو نُعَيْمٍ ، حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ ، عَنْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ بْنِ مَيْسَرَةَ ، عَنْ عَمْرِو بْنِ الشَّرِيدِ ، عَنْ أَبِي رَافِعٍ ، قَالَ : قَالَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : الْجَارُ أَحَقُّ بِصَقَبِهِ ، وَقَالَ بَعْضُ النَّاسِ : إِنِ اشْتَرَى دَارًا بِعِشْرِينَ أَلْفَ دِرْهَمٍ ، فَلَا بَأْسَ أَنْ يَحْتَالَ حَتَّى يَشْتَرِيَ الدَّارَ بِعِشْرِينَ أَلْفَ دِرْهَمٍ ، وَيَنْقُدَهُ تِسْعَةَ آلَافِ دِرْهَمٍ وَتِسْعَ مِائَةِ دِرْهَمٍ وَتِسْعَةً وَتِسْعِينَ وَيَنْقُدَهُ دِينَارًا بِمَا بَقِيَ مِنَ الْعِشْرِينَ الْأَلْفَ ، فَإِنْ طَلَبَ الشَّفِيعُ أَخَذَهَا بِعِشْرِينَ أَلْفَ دِرْهَمٍ ، وَإِلَّا فَلَا سَبِيلَ لَهُ عَلَى الدَّارِ ، فَإِنِ اسْتُحِقَّتِ الدَّارُ ، رَجَعَ الْمُشْتَرِي عَلَى الْبَائِعِ بِمَا دَفَعَ إِلَيْهِ ، وَهُوَ تِسْعَةُ آلَافِ دِرْهَمٍ وَتِسْعُ مِائَةٍ وَتِسْعَةٌ وَتِسْعُونَ دِرْهَمًا وَدِينَارٌ ، لِأَنَّ الْبَيْعَ حِينَ اسْتُحِقَّ انْتَقَضَ الصَّرْفُ فِي الدِّينَارِ ، فَإِنْ وَجَدَ بِهَذِهِ الدَّارِ عَيْبًا وَلَمْ تُسْتَحَقَّ فَإِنَّهُ يَرُدُّهَا عَلَيْهِ بِعِشْرِينَ أَلْفَ دِرْهَمٍ ، قَالَ : فَأَجَازَ هَذَا الْخِدَاعَ بَيْنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ ، وَقَالَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : بَيْعُ الْمُسْلِمِ لَا دَاءَ ، وَلَا خِبْثَةَ ، وَلَا غَائِلَةَ .
ہم سے ابونعیم نے بیان کیا ‘ کہا ہم سے سفیان ثوری نے بیان کیا ‘ ان سے ابراہیم بن میسرہ نے ‘ ان سے عمرو بن شرید نے اور ان سے ابورافع رضی اللہ عنہ نے بیان کیا کہ نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا ”پڑوسی اپنے پڑوسی کا زیادہ حقدار ہے۔“ اور بعض لوگوں نے کہا اگر کسی شخص نے ایک گھر بیس ہزار درہم کا خریدا ( تو شفعہ کا حق ساقط کرنے کے لیے ) یہ حیلہ کرنے میں کوئی قباحت نہیں کہ مالک مکان کو نو ہزار نو سو ننانوے درہم نقد ادا کرے اب بیس ہزار کے تکملہ میں جو باقی رہے یعنی دس ہزار اور ایک درہم اس کے بدل مالک مکان کو ایک دینار ( اشرفی ) دیدے۔ اس صورت میں اگر شفیع اس مکان کو لینا چاہے گا تو اس کو بیس ہزار درہم پر لینا ہو گا ورنہ وہ اس گھر کو نہیں لے سکتا۔ ایسی صورت میں اگر بیع کے بعد یہ گھر ( بائع کے سوا ) اور کسی کا نکلا تو خریدار بائع سے وہی قیمت واپس لے گا جو اس نے دی ہے یعنی نو ہزار نو سو ننانوے درہم اور ایک دینار ( بیس ہزار درہم نہیں واپس سکتا ) کیونکہ جب وہ گھر کسی اور کا نکلا تو اب وہ بیع صرف جو بائع اور مشتری کے بیچ میں ہو گئی تھی بالکل باطل ہو گئی ( تو اصل دینار پھرنا لازم ہو گا نہ کہ اس کے ثمن ( یعنی دس ہزار اور ایک درہم ) اگر اس گھر میں کوئی عیب نکلا لیکن وہ بائع کے سوا کسی اور کی ملک نہیں نکلا تو خریدار اس گھر کو بائع کو واپس اور بیس ہزار درہم اس سے لے سکتا ہے۔ امام بخاری رحمہ اللہ نے کہا تو ان لوگوں نے مسلمانوں کے آپس میں مکر و فریب کو جائز رکھا اور نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے تو فرمایا ہے کہ مسلمان کی بیع میں جو مسلمان کے ساتھ ہو نہ عیب ہونا چاہئیے یعنی ( بیماری ) نہ خباثت نہ کوئی آفت۔
Narrated Abu Rafi`: The Prophet said, The neighbor has more right to be taken care of by his neighbor (than anyone else). Some men said, If one wants to buy a house for 20,000 Dirhams then there is no harm to play a trick to deprive somebody of preemption by buying it (just on paper) with 20,000 Dirhams but paying to the seller only 9,999 Dirhams in cash and then agree with the seller to pay only one Dinar in cash for the rest of the price (i.e. 10,001 Dirhams). If the preemptor offers 20,000 Dirhams for the house, he can buy it otherwise he has no right to buy it (by this trick he got out of preemption). If the house proves to belong to somebody else other than the seller, the buyer should take back from the seller what he has paid, i.e., 9,999 Dirhams and one Dinar, because if the house proves to belong to somebody else, so the whole bargain (deal) is unlawful. If the buyer finds a defect in the house and it does not belong to somebody other than the seller, the buyer may return it and receive 20,000 Dirhams (instead of 9999 Dirham plus one Dinar) which he actually paid.' Abu `Abdullah said, So that man allows (some people) the playing of tricks amongst the Muslims (although) the Prophet said, 'In dealing with Muslims one should not sell them sick (animals) or bad things or stolen things.
Narrated `Umar bin Al-Khattab: The Prophet said, 'O people! The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions, and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So, whoever emigrated for Allah and His Apostle, then his emigration was for Allah and His Apostle, and whoever emigrated to take worldly benefit or for a woman to marry, then his emigration was for what he emigrated for.
Read CompleteNarrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, Allah does not accept prayer of anyone of you if he does Hadath (passes wind) till he performs the ablution (anew).
Read CompleteNarrated Anas: That Abu Bakr wrote for him, Zakat regulations which Allah's Apostle had made compulsory, and wrote that one should neither collect various portions (of the property) nor divide the property into various portions in order to avoid paying Zakat.
Read CompleteNarrated Talha bin 'Ubaidullah: A bedouin with unkempt hair came to Allah's Apostle and said, O Allah's Apostle! Tell me what Allah has enjoined on me as regards prayers. The Prophet said, You have to offer perfectly the five (compulsory) prayers in a day and a night (24 hrs.), except if you want to perform some extra optional prayers. The bedouin said, Tell me what Allah has enjoined on me as regards fasting. The Prophet said, You have to observe fast during the month of Ramadan except if you fast some extra optional fast. The bedouin said, Tell me what Allah has enjoined on me as regard Zakat. The Prophet then told him the Islamic laws and regulations whereupon the bedouin said, By Him Who has honored you, I will not perform any optional deeds of worship and I will not leave anything of what Allah has enjoined on me. Allah's Apostle said, He will be successful if he has told the truth (or he will enter Paradise if he said the truth). And some people said, The Zakat for one-hundred and twenty camels is two Hiqqas, and if the Zakat payer slaughters the camels intentionally or gives them as a present or plays some other trick in order to avoid the Zakat, then there is no harm (in it) for him.
Read CompleteNarrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, On the Day of Resurrection the Kanz (Treasure or wealth of which, Zakat has not been paid) of anyone of you will appear in the shape of a huge bald headed poisonous male snake and its owner will run away from it, but it will follow him and say, 'I am your Kanz.' The Prophet added, By Allah, that snake will keep on following him until he stretches out his hand and let the snake swallow it.
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